헨젤과그랬대 [672473] · MS 2016 · 쪽지

2016-10-18 09:11:59
조회수 315

영어 문제풀어보시고 해석좀

게시글 주소: https://ys.orbi.kr/0009373629

43. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 적절한 것은?

 One strong trust killer is when people say one thing and do another.
And here, bosses are the main culprits. They tell people to take risks
but blame them when they fail. They endorse stretch budgets and invite
their people to dream big, but punish them if the numbers fall short,
even at the end of a decent year. They proclaim a commitment to
customer service, but let the factory ship less-than-perfect product to
make the month’s sales quota. Or perhaps worst of all, they espouse
the company’s values at the top of their lungs, but keep and reward
people who don’t live those values simply because they make the
numbers. All that tells the organization is, nothing I say means anything.
Or put another way: don’t trust me. Trust, ultimately, isn’t very
complicated. It’s earned through____________________ . 

 * endorse 승인하다 espouse 옹호하다 

① the emphasis on practice over preach 
② the trasference of authority
 ③ the commitment to customer service
 ④ the trust between bosses and employees 
⑤ the integrity both in words and in actions 

nobody님이 올리신 자료중 하난데 해석이 튕기는 부분이 있어서요
끝쪽에서 All that tells the organization is nothing I say means anything. Or put another way: don't trust me 가  문맥상 무슨뜻인가요??
답은 쉽게 구해지는데, 해석이   튕기네요

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